(screenshot taken from edutopia.org)
Last week I shared that I have decided to publish and that the forum I have selected for publication is Edutopia. The focus of their magazine and website is less academic than the other journals that I reviewed in making my selection. In preparing to ready my paper for publication I have been reviewing articles on the Edutopia website (www.edutopia.org). The popular science meets practical classroom application feel of the articles I read there makes me feel like I can tailor my current literature review and description of my methodologies from my Action Research website to craft an article that would fit into their editorial vision. I still have some confusion about how to best do that to fit both their criteria for submission and the parameters outlined in the PPP assignment listed on FSO. I see that in step 2 that our options are expansion (for a more academic journal) or compression (for a less academic journal). I think that I will be doing a lot of compression and I think that I will be doing something like "Top 10 ways to use Twitter in Education." Which means that my article will be significantly shorter and much different from the literature review even though it will be taken from it. Fingers crossed that I am on the right track.
Twitter is one of the tools for which we have an official "we have no official policy" policy. Some of us use it, some of us don't, and it seems those that so all use it differently. We're taking an organic approach and just waiting to see what happens. Did you see the Ars Technica article this week on Twitter accounts as intellectual property? I'd be curious how you see that applying to educators.